
to securing safe spaces.

Safe and affordable housing is at the very heart of a fresh start.

We've long provided short-term accommodation for some of our reintegration clients as they make the transition back into the community. However, becoming a social housing provider in 2021 has enabled us to spread our support so much further.

By providing long-term social housing to those in need, we are able to get some of our community's most vulnerable people into safe and healthy spaces where they can grow and thrive . That's because we don't just house people; we journey alongside them, providing them with the full support of our wider group resource.

We have initiated a wellness plan for our tenants, which includes meeting with them regularly to identify any issues or challenges and to provide targeted support as and when it's needed.

By removing the barriers to long-term occupancy, our clients remain in warm, healthy, safe and affordable housing, where they and their families benefit from our ongoing support.

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Blessing another fresh start.

We are truly blessed to have some wonderful tenants living in homes provided by Pathway Affordable Housing, a group that’s about to grow!

After months of work, PAH's most recent housing development on Pages Rd has been completed. Ahead of the moving trucks rolling in, a special service to bless each of the three, two-bedroom homes took place.

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we need your help.

By helping people to make a fresh start, we’re helping to break the intra-family cycle of poverty, violence and criminal activities, making our community a stronger and safer place for everyone.

But we can’t do it without you.

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