May 31, 2024
June 2023
Pathway Affordable Housing

Pathway Affordable Housing update.

As demand for social housing remains high, Pathway Affordable Housing continues to provide.

There has been plenty of reason for Pathway Affordable Housing to celebrate what has been productive time. As we head into the second half of 2023, we remain forced on supporting our cohorts as they enjoy the benefits of quality housing and the wraparound support services we deliver.

We celebrated the first anniversary of our Pages Road properties being fully tenanted, a wonderful milestone which we marked alongside our tenants in early April, 2023. It was great to sit down and chat with them and get their feedback on how we’re doing and what we can do to help.

Our focus now turns to the ongoing construction of our second housing development, which features three two-bedroom houses, also in Pages Road. This is a hugely exciting project, one that has been in the pipeline for some time.

A registered social housing provider, Pathway Affordable Housing is an integral part of Pathway Charitable Group. With our efforts combined, we are playing a key role in helping people make a fresh start. The sooner we can get people living on the breadline into suitable long-term accommodation the better, both for them and the community.

Of course, we could not do this without your support, so for that we offer a heartfelt thank you. We are excited about what the next few months hold and look forward to sharing more stories with you soon!

Names have been changed.

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