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pathway news.

Keep up to date with the latest news from Pathway & hear all about the work we do in the community.

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annual reports.

Every year we publish our wider Pathway Charitable Group reports. These are available for download.

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independent research reports.

It is important to us that what we are doing in the reintegration space works.

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annual reports.

A van driving on a coastal road - The cover of the 2023 Annual Report

2023 annual report.

We've seen a lot in the 25 years we've been around. We've seen people at their best, their worst and everything in between. The work we do is tough, but through times of hope and despair one thing has remained the same - Pathway's unwavering commitment to helping people make a fresh start.

Read the 2023 report
A boardwalk in tussocks, the start of the path to Mt Cook

2022 annual report.

After more than two decades of changing lives, Pathway Trust has seen many changes, but the heart of this charitable group remains the same - to support those who need a fresh start.

Read the 2022 report
A windy road down a mountain side - the cover of the 2021 annual report

2021 annual report.

Providing a step up for some of ourc ommunity’s most marginalised and vulnerable members is at the very heart of Pathway Charitable Group, which has been providing wraparound support services with inthe community for more than 20 years.

Read the 2021 report

independent reports.

Two people having a chat over hot drinks

Looking Deeply. Listening Carefully.

By Jeph Mathias

This Outcome Harvest finds that for some men the Pathway Navigate Initiative programme fills the space between who they are and who they can become. Offenders with few skills or relationships to re-enter society with become Tū Ora with houses, jobs and sustainable connections in the community. For some staff in the Christchurch Men’s Prison, a parallel journey takes them from well-trained professionals managing and trying to rehabilitate complex offenders to re-forming men into people who stand well in our community. Those parallel, intertwined stories are the centre of this evaluation.

Read the report

Evaluation of the Navigate Initiative 2023.

By Jarrod Gilbert

Navigate is a unique programme that engages the community in a role traditionally left to Corrections. It represents a significant change in approach, and is something that has required considerable vision and open-mindedness to achieve; something that both Pathway and the Department of Corrections should be congratulated for. In very real ways, it is bringing the community into Christchurch Men’s Prison in an effort to solve community concerns.

Read the report

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